Archimedes – Multipurpose Scanner for Art Diagnostics
CHSOS has developed Archimedes, the multipurpose scanner for Art Diagnostics. It is a modular low-cost, mobile and lightweight scanner that can accommodate a number of diagnostic imaging methods. such as Technical photography, Infrared Reflectography, and Multispectral Imaging.
This scanner is used to acquire high resolution imaging of library and archival assets such as manuscripts, prints, and drawings that need to be kept flat on a table. This scanner moves with high resolution (0.1 mm) an imaging camera ((weight up to 3 Kgs) over the document which can safely rest on the table. It can scan a maximum areas 70 x 70 cm and it can be connected to a computer to control the most appropriate XY movements.
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Archimedes for Paper Conservation
This scanner is particularly useful for library assets such as manuscripts, prints, and drawings that need to be kept flat. The imaging cameras can be scanned over the paper object which can safely rest on the table. Archimedes scanner can fit even a large infrared reflectography camera and it helps to acquire high-resolution imaging of the items.
Real world successful applications
Archimedes used by the Houston Museum of Natural Science to study Aztec manuscripts. CLICK
Archimedes used at the Qatar National Library CLICK
Installed Archimedes

Making Archimedes
Step one
We start manufacturing Archimedes collecting its essential components. Archimedes is made of a microcontroller, 3 motors, aluminum extrusions plus nuts and bolts.

Step two
We 3D print the parts to hold motors and the camera.