arylide yellow 5GX

Arylide yellow 5GX

 Jackson Pollock used arylide yellow in his paintings.

Manufacturer / product code: Kremer 23650
Chemical description: azo coupling of aniline and acetoacetanilide 
Color: yellow
Color Index: PY74
More info: 
Manufacturing. It is produced by coupling diazotized aromatic  amines with acetiacetanilide or derivatives.
Use. It is one of the most permanent yellows.  it was commercially available after 1957.

Raman Spectroscopy 532 nm – ElviRa Spectrometer for Art

Raman Spectroscopy 532 nm (ElviRa spectrometer) Pigments-Checker Database

Raman Spectroscopy 632 nm – ElviRa Spectrometer for Art

DATABASE – Raman 632 – Pigments Checker STANDARD – powder

arylide yellow 5GX -Raman-632-Pigments

Raman spectroscopy 785 nm

Pigments (powder, no binder)

Raman Spectroscopy 785 nm Pigments (pure, no binder)

Pigments with acrylic binder (Pigments Checker)

Raman Spectroscopy 785 nm Pigments-Checker Database

Raman spectroscopy 830 nm

Pigments (powder, no binder)

arylide yellow 5GX

Raman Spectroscopy 830 nm Pigments-Checker Database


Raman spectroscopy 1064 nm

Pigments (powder, no binder)

Raman Spectroscopy 1064 nm Pigments-Checker Database

Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) – GorgiasUV Spectrometer

Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) (GorgiasUV) Pigments-Checker Database

 Reflectance spectroscopy – Gorgias Spectrometer for Art

Reflectance Spectroscopy (350-950 nm) (Gorgias) Pigments-Checker Database

NIR Reflectance spectroscopy

NIR-Reflectance Spectroscopy (930-1690 nm) Pigments-Checker Database

FT-IR Spectroscopy (Non-invasive Diffuse Reflectance Probe)

FTIR Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Pigments-Checker Database

FTIR non-invasive Spectroscopy Pigments (pure, no binder) Database