Its use is rare but well documented in medieval and renaissance manuscripts. It was used to make thin black lines having a metallic appearance.
Manufacturer/ product code: Kremer / 54000
Chemical Description: bismuth metal powder
Color: grey
Color Index: Not Available
More info:
Ricciardi, P.; Mazzinghi, A.; Legnaioli, S.; Ruberto, C.; Castelli, L. The Choir Books of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice: Results of in Depth Non-Invasive Analyses. Heritage 2019, 2, 1684-1701.
Raman Spectroscopy 532 nm – ElviRa Spectrometer for Art
Raman 532 nm cannot identify this pigment.
Raman Spectroscopy 532 nm (ElviRa spectrometer) Pigments-Checker DatabaseRaman spectroscopy 785 nm
Raman 785 nm cannot identify this pigment.
Raman Spectroscopy 785 nm Pigments (pure, no binder) Raman Spectroscopy 785 nm Pigments-Checker DatabaseXRF spectroscopy
XRF Spectroscopy Pigments-Checker Database
Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) – GorgiasUV Spectrometer
Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) (GorgiasUV) Pigments-Checker Database
Reflectance Spectroscopy (350-950 nm) – Gorgias Spectrometer
Reflectance Spectroscopy (350-950 nm) (Gorgias) Pigments-Checker Database
NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy (930 – 1690 nm)
NIR-Reflectance Spectroscopy (930-1690 nm) Pigments-Checker Database