Training Raman Spectroscopy, Brazil, i3A
We just completed a 2 days training program (Dec 3rd and 4th) in our Studio in Italy on Raman spectroscopy. We introduced and delivered our
We just completed a 2 days training program (Dec 3rd and 4th) in our Studio in Italy on Raman spectroscopy. We introduced and delivered our
We are now providing a 6 hours Training module on Raman Spectroscopy using our system ElviRa. We start this new module in the next upcoming
Just delivered Gorgias, our Reflectance spectroscopy system, to the Royal Library of Belgium. This was the first delivery of our new deal: Gorgias comes with
Just delivered, installed and tested ElviRa – our new Raman system – to Qatar National Library. Proudly, ElviRa will complete their outstanding laboratory for scientific
Just published “Cultural Artifacts in Terahertz Light“. Patricia Daukantas interviewed CHSOS to get our opinion on this relatively new methodology and its application for the examination