CHSOS is an eCult ambassador and contributed to the eCult Vademecum “A guide to Museums to Develop a Technology Strategy”.
CHSOS is invited speaker at “Christian Epigraphy in Syracuse” workshop, May 15th 2015.
Since 2013 CHSOS has pursued diagnostics and documentation in Syracuse catacombs thanks to a research collaboration with Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra. Mural paintings and graffiti have been examined with innovative analytical and imaging technologies. CHSOS will present these studies.
- S. Stout, A. Cosentino, C. Scandurra “Non-invasive materials analysis using Portable X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) in the Examination of Two Mural Paintings in the Catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse” Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, M. Ioannides et al. (Eds.): EuroMed 2014, LNCS 8740, 697–705, 2014.
- A. Cosentino, S. Stout, C. Scandurra “Innovative Imaging Techniques for Examination and Documentation of mural paintings and historical graffiti in the catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse” International Journal of Conservation Science, 6, 1, 23-34, 2015.
Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology – Crowdfunding
“Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology” is the first crowd funded project in Art Conservation Science. We got 38 contributors and we reached 136% of the needed funding!
You can participate until May 28! Just 17 days left!
Get our Pigments Checker!
For $300 we donate the pigments checker, our collection of 54 historical pigments. It is a good deal for those, private and institutions, interested in pigments identification on works of art. You can use it to test your analytical and imaging equipment or for scientific educational programs.
Next Training Program June 22-24
We are ready to deliver the next training program in June. A great time to visit Sicily 🙂