GorgiasUV – Reflectance Spectrometer

GorgiasUV – Reflectance Spectrometer

From 2021 the Reflectance Spectrometer GorgiasUV is joining our tools kit for scientific art and archaeology examination.
It is based on the standard Gorgias system but it is optimized to cover a wider range into the UV, up until 200 nm.
GorgiasUV explores with much more reliability the extreme part of the UV spectrum, providing helpful information for pigments identification.


Used from the late 80′ Reflectance Spectroscopy (RS) is a powerful tool for the identification of pigments and dyes. A reflectance spectrum shows for each wavelength, the ratio between the intensity of the reflected light and the incident light. This ratio is called reflectance and is given in percentage (%). Pigments are identified using a spectral database and comparing the spectral features of the investigated unknown spectrum with the spectra available in the database.
The advantages of this method with respect to the other spectroscopic methods are that the equipment is affordable, small, and portable.
Along with the usual halogen lamp, GorgiasUV features a Deuterium light source and a dedicated solarization-resistant fiber probe to effectively work within the UV range.

Technical specifications

Weight: 430 grams
Dimensions: 102 mm x 84 mm x 59 mm
Detector: Toshiba TCD1304DG linear array (no interference pattern)
Detector spectral range: 200 – 1000 nm
Pixels: 3648
Pixel size: 8 um x 200 um
Pixel well depth: 100,000 electrons
Signal-to-noise ratio: 400:1 (10000:1 with averaging)
A/D resolution: 16 bit
Fiber optic connector: SMA 905 to 0.22 numerical aperture single-strand optical fiber.
Diffraction order sorting filter: included
Exposure time: 10 us – 60 s
CCD reading time: 14 ms
Power consumption: 100mA @ 5V from USB interface
Onboard memory capacity: 64 spectra
Data transfer speed: 200 ms / 100 ms (2 points binding)
Computer interface: USB 2.0, HID 2.0
Operational system: Windows 10 /Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista / XP ; 32/64b
Software: application software, driver,
Hardware: USB cable

Reflection fiber probe
Stainless steel tubing for extra strength. 7 x 600 microns core fibers (6 excitation fibers, 1 collection fiber). It is 1 meter long and it has a 45 degree. adapter for reflectance measures.


Pigments Spectra Database

Our spectral database was acquired on Pigments Checker.

DOWNLOAD Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) (GorgiasUV) Pigments-Checker Database

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DOWNLOAD Application note #1: Testing GorgiasUV on Pigments Checker

Application note # 5: Reflectance Spectra Database (GorgiasUV Spectrometer) for Pigments Checker “Modern & Contemporary Art”

This note discusses the advantages of GorgiasUV over the standard Gorgias by testing the 2 instruments on the Pigments Checker “Modern & Contemporary Art”.

DOWNLOAD: Application note #5: Reflectance Spectra Database (GorgiasUV Spectrometer) for Pigments Checker “Modern & Contemporary Art”