Our new low-cost Multispectral Imaging system was presented at RECH3, III International meeting on Retouching of cultural heritage, in Porto, Portugal.
Crowd funded research: low-cost multispectral imagingRead the postprint: A. Cosentino “Crowd funded research: low-cost multispectral imaging” RECH3, International meeting on Retouching of cultural heritage. 2015
This paper introduces the low-cost multispectral imaging (MSI) system for Art and Archaeology recently developed by Cultural Heritage Science Open Source (CHSOS) thanks to the first
crowdfunding campaign in Conservation Science. CHSOS develops and disseminates affordable methodologies for art examination in order to reach a large audience of cultural institutions and art conservation professionals interested in introducing scientific diagnostics into their workflow. CHSOS disseminates these solutions with
its popular blog, open access publications and training programs.
The system is composed of a digital camera with the infrared cut-off filter removed and extended sensitivity to about 360-1100 nm. A set of 18 bandpass filters (representing the spectral features of
the most common historical pigments in the 400-925 nm range) provides the spectral images to build up the reflectance imaging cube.
The system was tested successfully on Pigments Checker, a collection of historical pigments, and on a mock-up painting for pigments’ preliminary identification and their mapping.
Check out our low-cost Multispectral Imaging system, Antonello.