I’ve been working in the organizing committee for the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Art. Workshop in Volterra, Italy which just finished. The beauty of the city and the proactive attitude of its citizens made everything go well.
As a test on a real work of art the NMR team investigated the Annunciation fresco in Palazzo dei Priori, Volterra. Painted by Andrea di Cione di Arcangelo (1308 – 1368), known as Orcagna who was an Italian painter, sculptor, and architect active in Tuscany. This scientific work and its results could hopefully help to define and promote the overdue restoration of this fresco.
The Italian Press was interested to this application of Science for Art Conservation and made some shooting which was aired, June 17th.
I played my part in this examination shooting some gigapixel images of the fresco in visible and infrared photography and a spherical panorama of the room.