CHSOS is calling for Laboratories and Research Groups interested to collaborate and contribute to the Free and Downloadable spectral database of pigments in Pigments Checker.
We already provided Reflectance spectra which can be accessed and downloaded from the interactive table.
Reflectance spectroscopy
DOWNLOAD Database: A. Cosentino “FORS spectral database of historical pigments in different binders” e-conservation Journal 2, 57–68, 2014.
We are looking for interested partners to increase this database including other spectroscopic and imaging methods, such as Raman, XRF, FTIR, XRD. Collaborate with CHSOS and propose your ideas.
Contact CHSOS at [email protected]
- We will send Pigments Checker to your laboratory for the time you need to do the tests.
- Data will be open access. They will be published (as spectral data) on CHSOS website.
- You are free to use the data for publications and on your website.
- We will cite your laboratory on CHSOS website and any other publication using your data.
Pigments Checker is our Research Project. We want to provide professionals in the art conservation sector with a practical tool to test their equipment and develop new methodologies for pigments identification.
Purchasing our Pigments Checker you sustain CHSOS and its mission to disseminate innovative, affordable and sustainable methods for scientific examination and documentation of works of art and archaeology.