PR 81- rhodamine 6G

Widely used to dye paper and for making inks.
Manufacturer/ product code: Sigma-Aldrich
Chemical Description: C28H31N2O3Cl
Color: red
Color Index: PR 81
More info:
“Handheld surface-enhanced Raman scattering identification of dye chemical composition in felt-tip pen drawings” J Raman Spectrosc. 2018;1–10
Raman Spectroscopy 532 nm – ElviRa Spectrometer for Art
Raman spectroscopy 785 nm
Pigments (powder, no binder)

Raman Spectroscopy 785 nm Pigments (pure, no binder)
Pigments with acrylic binder (Pigments Checker)

Raman Spectroscopy 785 nm Pigments-Checker Database
Raman spectroscopy 830 nm
Pigments (powder, no binder)

Raman Spectroscopy 830 nm Pigments-Checker Database
Raman spectroscopy 1064 nm
Pigments (powder, no binder)

Raman Spectroscopy 1064 nm Pigments-Checker Database
XRF spectroscopy
XRF cannot identify this pigment.
XRF Spectroscopy Pigments-Checker Database
Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) – GorgiasUV Spectrometer
Reflectance Spectroscopy (200-1000 nm) (GorgiasUV) Pigments-Checker Database

Reflectance Spectroscopy (350-950 nm) – Gorgias Spectrometer

NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy (930 – 1690 nm)
NIR-Reflectance Spectroscopy (930-1690 nm) Pigments-Checker Database

FT-IR Spectroscopy (Non-invasive Diffuse Reflectance Probe)

FTIR Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Pigments-Checker Database
FTIR non-invasive Spectroscopy Pigments (pure, no binder) Database