New York Conservation Foundation (NYCF) invited CHSOS in New York and NJ for three eye-opening and empowering presentations on our systems to do Technical Photography and Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology. The Eastern Analytical Symposium, the New York Microscopical Society, and NYCF provided the lecture and workshop venues.
November 17 in Somerset, NJ, we delivered a 25 minute talk on the CHSOS system, in the NYCF and Eastern Analytical Symposium Conservation Science Annual. Download Final Program pdf and search for “Cosentino” . EAS 2015 Program (4 downloads).
Our participation at the 21st Conservation Science Annual at EAS was generously supported by the New York Conservation Foundation as were the workshop at Neighborhood Preservation Center and our lecture at the Shevchenko Scientific Society, in Manhattan, NYC.
Watch our talk at EAS 2015