Just delivered Gorgias, our Reflectance spectroscopy system, to the Royal Library of Belgium. This was the first delivery of our new deal:
Gorgias comes with its own laptop!
We prepare the laptop with all the software to acquire spectra and edit them appropriately for publication. We also include the reflectance spectra database of pigments. This is a more convenient deal to start reflectance Spectroscopy since all is set and ready. And furthermore, the cost is the same!
Royal library of Belgium Gorgias CHSOS Royal library of Belgium Gorgias CHSOS
Learn more about Gorgias, CLICK HERE
We have developed Gorgias, the Reflectance Spectroscopy System for art professionals. It uses a simple software and has plenty of features specifically designed for art examination.
In the analysis of polychrome artworks, among the techniques available in a portable version, Reflectance Spectroscopy (RS) has been established as a powerful one for the identification of pigments. The peculiar advantage of this method with respect to the other spectroscopies most commonly used, such as XRF and Raman, is that the RS equipment can be assembled with relatively low-cost components.Reflectance Spectroscopy shows, for each wavelength, the ratio between the intensity of the reflected light and the incident light, measured with respect to a standard white reference (reflectance). The reflectance spectra provide information useful for the identification of pigments.