CHSOS gave a talk at “Save the Soul of Savoca” August 6th 7 PM, Church of San Michele in Savoca (Sicily).
CHSOS has collaborated with a local organization that has promoted the study of the church and its conservation through a crowdfunding campaign.
“Save the Soul of Savoca – Salviamo i dipinti della chiesa di San Michele” crowdfunding campaign was just recently launched in Savoca (Italy) by a local organization grown into the parish of the village in order to promote the conservation of a cycle of 17th century wall paintings.
Visit the Crowdfunding project “Save The Soul of Savoca”
CHSOS contributed the technical documentation and assessment of the wall paintings with technical photography (high resolution visible, raking, infrared and ultraviolet photography) and reflectance spectroscopy in order to examine painting techniques and materials. The technical photography documentation was also essential to understand the actual representations of the scenes of the cycle and attribute it to specific artists.
Watch our presentation
Save The Soul of Savoca Conference
“Save the Soul of Savoca – Salviamo i dipinti della chiesa di San Michele” crowdfunding campaign was just recently launched in Savoca (Italy) by a local organization grown into the parish of the village in order to promote the conservation of a cycle of 17th century wall paintings.
CHSOS contributed the technical documentation and assessment of the wall paintings with technical photography (high resolution visible, raking, infrared and ultraviolet photography) and reflectance spectroscopy in order to examine painting techniques and materials. The technical photography documentation was also essential to understand the actual representations of the scenes of the cycle and attribute it to specific artists.
This project has been featured on local networks:
GazzettaJonica ““Save the soul of Savoca”: per salvare una parte dell’anima di Savoca”
Sicilynews “”Tre anni per salvare l’anima di Savoca: la scommessa del crowdfunding per San Michele”