CHSOS in a nutshell
A brief intro to what we do at CHSOS: mission, art examination, research, training and tools. Download our brochure “CHSOS in a nutshell (June 2015)”
A brief intro to what we do at CHSOS: mission, art examination, research, training and tools. Download our brochure “CHSOS in a nutshell (June 2015)”
Just published “Multispectral Imaging and the Art Expert” Spectroscopy Europe, 27, 2, 2015. Free Download: our latest paper on multispectral imaging for art and archaeology.
Our crowdfunding project keeps to grow! Collected 136% funding in 1 month! 38 people have contributed! “Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology” is the first
“Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology” is the first crowd funding project related to Art Conservation Science. We got already 53% of the necessary fund! The
CHSOS launches today its crowdfunding campaign to realize an open source and low-cost multispectral system that anybody will be able to replicate. Conservators are invited