I just gave a training course on Multispectral Imaging and Technical photographic methods to an Art Diagnostics start-up company in Andria, Italy: Terrarossa Studio. The start-up is composed of 3 young cultural heritage scientists, Grazia Ruggiero, Floriana Salvemini and Cristina Caggiani. Floriana and Cristina just got their PhD on analytical methods for art diagnostics in Florence (neutrons imaging) and in Bari (Raman spectroscopy). Grazia has been doing mortar analysis through optical microscopy and X-Rays diffraction and fluorescence for an archaeometry research group at University of Bari since she took her degree in conservation science.
Their background is on analytical tools and their start-up will provide analytical examinations. Though, and I would say, wisely, they thought useful to encompass in the portfolio of their services also multispectral imaging and technical photographic methods. We agreed on an intensive (8 hours/day)
training-program.pdfand they expressed the need to have me to move to their location. This is actually something I do enjoy since opens possibility to do the training working with local art and architecture. Indeed, the three scientists were proactive to find and select a number of interesting case studies for this training. The first 1 day we worked in the studio while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days we visited a local conservation studios and documented some works in the town’s cathedral. The 5th day we practiced 3D photomodeling on the famous Castel del Monte. Erected in the 1240s, it is considered the most fascinating castle built by the Emperor Frederick II.
Floriana, Cristina and Grazia, wish you all the best for your entrepreneurship!