February 2015 Training program was just delivered to a young conservator from Italy, Flavia Gazineo and Luz Rodriguez from London. Flavia studied as a conservation scientist and after achieving her master degree she has been working in Academia research for 3 years and for conservation companies in Italy and Malta, collecting 5 years experience on conservation of different typologies of important artifacts, from mural paintings to archaeological pottery. She applied to the February training program since she wants to introduce Technical Photography and Multispectral Imaging in her workflow as a conservator and she consider mandatory for her company to provide at least these set of diagnostics imaging methods as complementary to the conservation itself. Luz Rodriguez is an art historian based in London who works mainly with Persian manuscripts. Luz carries out research into the physical construction of the manuscript, based on the material object itself. This ‘codicological’ analysis includes examination of the paper organisation (as a single manuscript page may comprise many originally separate pieces), pigments, binding, alterations and repairs. Luz’s use of methods and technologies include microscopy, ultraviolet and infrared equipment, transmitted light, X-ray fluorescence and multi-spectral imaging. Luz’s interest in the course was to learn a range of photographic techniques that can be employed to identify the pigments used and how to combine the techniques according to the specific needs of each manuscript. Luz believes that the collaboration of art and science in the study of manuscripts is utterly important and that its revelations will greatly enrich our understanding. The Feb 2015 training program enjoyed the collaboration with PixelTeq which provided for the training week a UV-VIS SpectroCam, their latest model, and a set of 38 filters.
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1st day.
Technical Photography.
We got familiar with the equipment and practice shooting and editing of technical photographic methods at the CHSOS Studio.
VIS, Visible
RAK, Raking light Photography
UVF, Ultraviolet Fluorescence Photography
UVR, Ultraviolet Reflected Photography
IR, Infrared Photography
IRT, Infrared Transmitted Photography
IRF, Infrared Fluorescence Photography
IRFC, Infrared False Color Photography
2th day.
Conservators studio.
We practiced multispectral imaging and reflectance spectroscopy on art works under restoration.
3rd day.
Field Project. Sicilian Cart Museum.
We performed technical photography, infrared reflectography, RTI and 3D photomodeling in the museum set up.
4th day.
Field Project, Newly Discovered 1700s Frescoes.
We practiced panoramic photography shooting and editing.