We just delivered a 3-days Training program for Heritage Malta, Feb 22-24 2016. Heritage Malta is the National Agency for Museums, Conservation Practice and Cultural Heritage in Malta.
The Training program was sponsored by the EEA Grants and Norway Grants Fund for Bilateral Relations “Advancing current Scientific Techniques and Methods for Cultural Heritage support in Conservation-Restoration and Presentation”. A grant for research for bilateral cooperation and project partnerships with entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and European Countries.
The Diagnostic Science Laboratories, Heritage Malta, hosted the Training. Many thanks to Matthew Grima and Roslyn DeBattista, scientists at the Diagnostics Science Laboratories, for promoting and organizing the Training program and to the remaining DSL staff, Norwegian expert Dr. Simone Cagno, the conservators and photographers who participated.
CHSOS provided training on:
1st Day. Technical Photography
Technical Photography represents a collection of broadband spectral images realized with a modified full spectrum digital camera and different lighting sources and filters. We will practice hands-on shooting and editing for these technical photos:
VIS, Visible
RAK, Raking light Photography
UVF, Ultraviolet Fluorescence Photography
UVR, Ultraviolet Reflected Photography
IR, Infrared Photography
IRT, Infrared Transmitted Photography
IRF, Infrared Fluorescence Photography
IRFC, Infrared False Color Photography
2nd Day. Panoramic Infrared Reflectography, Reflectance Spectroscopy, RTI
Infrared Reflectography allows to identify underdrawing and pentimenti. We coupled it with the panoramic method in order to acquire infrared reflectograms with a fast and lightwiegth set up.
Reflectance Spectroscopy (RS) shows, for each wavelength, the ratio between the intensity of the reflected light and the incident light, measured with respect to a standard white reference (reflectance). Reflectance spectra provide information useful for the identification of pigments.
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) is a computational photographic technique and it is used in a number of fields related to art examination and documentation because it provides a virtual and enhanced visualization of an object’s surface.
3rd Day. Multispectral Imaging
Multispectral Imaging (MSI) is used to map and tentatively identify pigments and in paints on works of art. It is also useful to visually enhance old and faded documents. Thanks to the first crowdfunded research in art conservation science, CHSOS has developed an MSI system using 18 bandpass filter and a full spectrum digital camera that covers the 400-920 nm spectral range.
Shooting spectral images.
Splitting spectral images into RGB channels.
Registering spectral images.
Calibrating spectral images.
Spectra reconstruction and mapping.