In September I was invited to give a 3 weeks training on Multispectral Imaging to the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural in Quito, Ecuador. Once arrived I helped set up the space to be used as the imaging lab and I worked on putting together and testing the equipment. For the logistics, purchasing and importing of the instruments I was collaborating with InstrulabQ. The historical Quito’s downtown best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America, was the first Unesco World Heritage Site to be declared. Founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city, Quito stands at an altitude of 2,850 m! Ecuador and Quito, in particular, is rich in fine arts ranging from the ‘Escuela Quiteña – Baroque school of Quito’, blend of Spanish, and indigenous art to modern artists such as Carlos Catasse. At first, religious sculptures and paintings wer inported from Spain, but from the mid-16th century the Church set up guilds and workshops to train a local base of indigenous artisans. The Escuela Quiteña expressed great artists such as the extraordinary Miguel de Santiago.

The historical Quito’s downtown best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America, was the first Unesco World Heritage Site to be declared. Founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city, Quito stands at an altitude of 2,850 m! Ecuador and Quito, in particular, is rich in fine arts ranging from the ‘Escuela Quiteña – Baroque school of Quito’, blend of Spanish, and indigenous art to modern artists such as Carlos Catasse. At first, religious sculptures and paintings wer inported from Spain, but from the mid-16th century the Church set up guilds and workshops to train a local base of indigenous artisans. The Escuela Quiteña expressed great artists such as the extraordinary Miguel de Santiago.

Slawomir Swieciochowski, independent architect, giving a lecture on 3D scanning at the seminar room of the Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, Quito, Ecuador.