Do you really need a modified UV-VIS-IR camera?
Maybe with a long enough exposure, I can get some IR and UV photos without modifying my camera? We made the test. We shot our
Maybe with a long enough exposure, I can get some IR and UV photos without modifying my camera? We made the test. We shot our
CHSOS says goodbye to Photoshop. We set up a new workflow for Technical Photography (TP) that only uses FREE software.
We made Fabrizio, the Ultraviolet (UV) lamp for Technical Art and Archaeology examination.
We just performed a diagnostics service for a statue of St. Elijah, in Comiso, Sicily. This is a good opportunity for our art conservation community
We just performed (March 20 and 21) Technical Photography documentation of other Aztec manuscripts at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. These documents have European writing in