Field Projects

Field Projects

“To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything”.  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Italian Journey, 1817.

I like to involve professionals and students who take my technical imaging training into research projects I have in Sicily. Thanks to a network of passionate colleagues who volunteer their time it is possible to do research on Sicilian cultural heritage, art, architecture and archaeology. Currently, I propose my trainees and international conservation scientists these projects:

Newly Discovered 1700s Frescoes, Aci Sant’Antonio (Italiano)


camilla perondi
Aci Sant’Antonio. Just discovered 18th century frescoes. Camilla Perondi doing multispectral imaging on the frescoes during her training program.

Aci Sant’Antonio, Sicily, it’s my home­town. Just recently,2012, in the main Church, some fres­coes were dis­cov­ered. At the four angles of the Cro­ci­fisso Chapel, dur­ing some ren­o­va­tion works, older fres­coes were found behind the neo­clas­sic dec­o­ra­tion.  I’m running this project with the help of Raffaello di Mauro, the architect in charge of the conservation program and Don Vittorio Rocca, the priest of the community.  I started this project in July 2013.

July 2013 – Multispectral Imaging

August 2013 – X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy of pigments

Nov 2013 – FORS (Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy)

Dec 2013 – News in Conservation – issue 39 – Get out of the Lab, Now!

Feb 2014 – Terahertz Imaging 

Sept 2014 – A. Cosentino, S. Stout, R di Mauro, C. Per­ondi “The Cru­ci­fix Chapel of Aci Sant’Antonio: Newly Dis­cov­ered Fres­coes” Archeo­mat­ica, 2, 36–42, 2014.

Feb 2015 – A. Cosentino, M. Gil, M. Ribeiro, R. Di Mauro “Technical Photography for mural paintings: the newly discovered frescoes in Aci Sant’Antonio (Sicily, Italy)” Conservar Património 20, 23-33, 2014.

April 2015 – Conference in Aci Sant’Antonio to present the diagnostics campaign and raise funds for the conservation project.

April 2015 – TECHNART 2015 Intl Conference, Catania. ” The newly discovered 18th century wall paintings in Aci Sant’Antonio (20 downloads )

Catacombs,  Roman and medieval mural paintings, Syracuse

catacombe santa lucia
Syracuse. Catacombs. Samantha Stout,PhD student at University of California San Diego, doing XRF analysis.

The cat­a­combs in Syra­cuse are the largest after those in Rome, and they pre­serve mural paint­ings dat­ing from the 4th – 5th cen­tury AC until early medieval XIII cen­tury AC. The hon­orary pres­i­dent of the Pon­ti­f­i­cia Com­mis­sione di Arche­olo­gia Sacra, professor of Chris­t­ian Archae­ol­ogy and cur­rent Regional Super­in­ten­dent for Cul­tural Her­itage, Mari­arita Sgar­lata, granted access to the two cat­a­combs in Syra­cuse; San Gio­vanni and Santa Lucia.  Anything else is organized by two amazing professionals, Elisa Bonacini, an archae­ol­o­gist with a keen inter­est in new tech­nolo­gies for dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion in muse­ums and Carmelo Scan­durra, col­lab­o­ra­tor for the Pon­ti­f­i­cial Depart­ment of the Cat­a­combs of East Sicily from 2009.

August 2013 – X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy of pigments and multispectral imaging

Dec 2013 – News in Conservation – issue 39 – Get out of the Lab, Now!

Nov 2014 – EuroMed 2014 “Non-invasive mate­ri­als analy­sis using Portable X-ray Flu­o­res­cence (XRF) in the Exam­i­na­tion of Two Mural Paint­ings in the Cat­a­combs of San Gio­vanni, Syra­cuse

March 2015 – A. Cosentino, S. Stout, C. Scandurra “Innovative Imaging Techniques for Examination and Documentation of mural paintings and historical graffiti in the catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse” International Journal of Conservation Science, 6, 1, 23–34, 2015.

 Sicilian Cart Museum, Aci Sant’Antonio

sicilian carts
The Museum of Sicilian carts in Aci Sant’Antonio (Sicily).

Aci Sant’Antonio has just seen the opening in 2014 of its Sicilian carts Museum (Museo del Carretto Siciliano). CHSOS wants to contribute to the development of the cultural program of this museum, providing the first technical examination and documentation of this art. The Sicilian cart is an ornate, colorful style of horse or donkey-drawn cart native to the island of Sicily. Aci Sant’Antonio played a pivotal role in the development of this fashion since it was the location of the painters specialized in the decoration of the carts. Another important  workshop was in Palermo, serving the cart production on East Sicily. The west and east workshops developed different artistic styles, motives and colors.

August 2013 UCSD provides X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy of a cart board piece  

Nov 2014  A. Cosentino, S. Stout  “Pho­to­shop and Mul­ti­spec­tral Imag­ing for Art Doc­u­men­ta­tion” e-Preservation Sci­ence, 11, 91–98, 2014. This paper illustrates the examination of a cart board piece.

Nov 2014  D. Vanoni, S. Stout, A. Cosentino, F. Kuester, “Artifact Conservation: Representation and Analysis of Spectroscopic and Multispectral Imaging Data Using Augmented Reality” ICOMOS 18th General Assembly, Emerging tools for Conservation Practice, Nov 9-14 2014, Florence, Italy. ICOMOS 2014 Poster.pdf

Dec 2014 – Presenting the Sicilian Carts Museum at the eCult Winter Stage in Athens, interview video.

March 2015 – The museum featured on Free eBook “Success Stories: eCultValue


Savoca, Sicilian medieval village

Savoca was founded in 1134 by Roger II, king of the Normans, and it was a barony ruled by the archimandrite of the monastery of SS. Salvatore in Messina. The town, was the location for scenes of Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather. CHSOS is involved in the documentation and study of the mural paintings in the Church of San Michele (14th century).

June 2015 Studying Wall Paintings. Savoca (Sicily)

August 2015 Crowdfunding for Art Conservation in Savoca (Sicily)


In the heart of Sicily, Assoro

assoro san leone
Church of San Leone. Muge Uckan is doing FORS  on a 1400s crucifix while training on Multispectral Imaging.

Thanks to the collaboration with Raffaello di Mauro, it is possible to access the many artworks which Assoro preserves. Raffaello  is an conservation architect with more than 20 years experience in Sicilian architecture and he has been working on the conservation of a number or historical buildings in Assoro.

Nov 2013 – Istanbul conservator training in Sicily – Muge Uckan training in Multispectral Imaging in Assoro.

Jan 2014 – Submitted paper to Archeomatica – “FORS, Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy con gli spettrometri miniaturizzati per l’identificazione dei pigmenti.”

June 2014 – A. Cosentino “FORS, Fiber Optics Reflectance Spec­troscopy con gli spet­trometri minia­tur­iz­zati per l’identificazione dei pig­menti” Archeo­mat­ica, 1, 16–22, 2014.