We made the cover story! Discovered Frescoes in Sicily
Just published on the free online magazine, Archeomatica, 2, 2014. This paper presents the discovery of these frescoes and their examination performed with technical photography, XRF, and FORS (Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy). This paper steams from a collaboration that CHSOS has had with University of California San Diego (XRF spectroscopy) and GHT Photonics (FORS spectroscopy) . Then, I need to thank the architect in charge of the conservation intervention which led to their discoveries, Raffaello di Mauro and Don Vittorio Rocca, whose proactive collaboration made possible this study.
The study of the newly discovered frescoes was a collaborative project which involved two universities, University of California San Diego and the Danish Technical University, a scientific instruments company, GHT Photonics, and the help of a passionate student.
A. Cosentino, S. Stout, R di Mauro, C. Perondi “The Crucifix Chapel of Aci Sant’Antonio: Newly Discovered Frescoes” Archeomatica, 2, 236-42, 2014. We were very pleased this research made Archeomatica’s cover!
Further inofrmation on the examinations promoted by CHSOS on this frescoes series:
Camilla Perondi performing multispectral imaging on the newly discovered frescoes during her training in July 2013.
Samantha Stout, PhD Student, University of California San Diego, is performing X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy on the frescoes with a Bruker Tracer SD-III.Muge Uckan was involved in the FORS (Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy) examination during her training program in Nov 2013.Eventually DTU, the Danish Technical University, was involved in this research sending their PhD student Corinna Kock Dandolo, to investigate the murals with Terahertz
Hi Isamara, thanks for your appreciation of this study. Indeed, behind the scientific contribution and data, the paper has value for me because I managed to have it pursued on art in my hometown in Sicily. In a time of economic restrain in Italy, it is important to show that passion can make things happen, regardless of money. This research wasn’t sponsored by any Italian institution and didn’t cost a euro of tax payers. Its cost was covered by foreigner partnering institutions which enjoyed the opportunity to study Sicilian art.
Bravissimo Dottore e Camilla! Non so se ricordi me ma aiutato Camilla con un articolo scritto in Inglese. Penso che ci siamo incontrati prima in Ravenna. Sia stato il solo Americano nella stessa programma a UNIBO. Questo e grande, veramente! Congratulazioni!
Questo lavoro non sarebbe stato possibile senza Camilla. Camilla e’ stata la prima studente del mio training in Sicily. E’ stata la prima a credere in questa iniziativa e con la sua partecipazione ed entusiasmo ha contribuito allo sviluppo del progetto CHSOS. E poi mi ha concretamente aiutato a realizzare le misure!
Thank you for sharing your work. It is very interesting, clear, and a good example of combined using of portable techniques.
Hi Isamara, thanks for your appreciation of this study. Indeed, behind the scientific contribution and data, the paper has value for me because I managed to have it pursued on art in my hometown in Sicily. In a time of economic restrain in Italy, it is important to show that passion can make things happen, regardless of money. This research wasn’t sponsored by any Italian institution and didn’t cost a euro of tax payers. Its cost was covered by foreigner partnering institutions which enjoyed the opportunity to study Sicilian art.
Bravissimo Dottore e Camilla! Non so se ricordi me ma aiutato Camilla con un articolo scritto in Inglese. Penso che ci siamo incontrati prima in Ravenna. Sia stato il solo Americano nella stessa programma a UNIBO. Questo e grande, veramente! Congratulazioni!
Questo lavoro non sarebbe stato possibile senza Camilla. Camilla e’ stata la prima studente del mio training in Sicily. E’ stata la prima a credere in questa iniziativa e con la sua partecipazione ed entusiasmo ha contribuito allo sviluppo del progetto CHSOS. E poi mi ha concretamente aiutato a realizzare le misure!