Publications on Multispectral Imaging |
A. Cosentino “Imaging Multispettrale low-cost con filtri interferenziali” Archeomatica, 2, 12-17, 2015.. |
A. Cosentino “Multispectral imaging and the art expert” Spectroscopy Europe, 27 (2) 6-9, 2015. |
A. Cosentino “Multispectral Imaging of Pigments with a digital camera and 12 interferential filters” e-Preservation Science, 12, 1-7, 2015.. |
A. Cosentino “Panoramic, Macro and Micro Multispectral Imaging: An Affordable System for Mapping Pigments on Artworks” Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies, 13(1): 6, 1–17, 2015 |
A. Cosentino “Multispectral imaging system using 12 interference filters for mapping pigments” Conservar Património 21, 25-38, 2015. |
A. Cosentino “Crowd funded research: low-cost multispectral imaging” RECH3, International meeting on Retouching of cultural heritage. 2015. |
A. Cosentino “Transmittance spectroscopy and transmitted multispectral imaging to map covered paints” Conservar Património 24, 37-45, 2016. |
Publications on Technical Photography |
A. Cosentino “ A practical guide to Panoramic Multispectral Imaging" e-Conservation Magazine, 25, 64–73, 2013. |
A. Cosentino “Ipad e tablet per l’indagine multispettrale di opera d’arte” Archeomatica, 2, 6–10, 2013. |
A. Cosentino, M. Gil, M. Ribeiro, R. Di Mauro "Technical Photography for mural paintings: the newly discovered frescoes in Aci Sant’Antonio (Sicily, Italy)” Conservar Património 20, 23–33, 2014. |
S. Stout, A. Cosentino, C. Scandurra “Non-invasive materials analysis using Portable X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) in the Examination of Two Mural Paintings in the Catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse” Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, M. Ioannides et al. (Eds.): EuroMed 2014, LNCS 8740, 697–705, 2014. |
A. Cosentino, S. Stout "Photoshop and Multispectral Imaging for Art Documentation” e-Preservation Science, 11, 91–98, 2014. |
A. Cosentino, M.C. Caggiani, G. Ruggiero, F. Salvemini “Panoramic Multispectral Imaging: Training and Case studies” Belgian Association of conservators Bulletin, 2nd Trimester, 7–11, 2014. |
A. Cosentino “Identification of pigments by multispectral imaging a flowchart method” Heritage Science, 2:8, 2014. |
A. Cosentino, S. Stout, R di Mauro, C. Perondi “The Crucifix Chapel of Aci Sant’Antonio: Newly Discovered Frescoes” Archeomatica, 2, 36–42, 2014. |
A. Cosentino “Practical notes on ultraviolet technical photography for art examination” Conservar Património 21, 53-62, 2015. |
A. Cosentino "Effects of Different Binders on Technical Photography and Infrared Reflectography of 54 Historical Pigments” International Journal of Conservation Science, 6 (3), 287-298, 2015. |
A. Cosentino "Indagine diagnostica multispettrale sugli affreschi” in "La Nunziatella sopra Mascali", ed. G. Buda. Soprintendenza ai BB.CC e Ambientali di Catania. Palermo, 2015. |
A. Cosentino, C. L. Koch Dandolo, A. Cristaudo, P. Uhd Jepsen "Pre and post Conservation Diagnostic on a 14th Century Gilded Icon from Taormina, Sicily ” e-Conservation Journal, 3, 27-40, 2015. |
A. Cosentino "Infrared Technical Photography for Art Examination” e-Preservation Science, 13, 1-6, 2016. |
A. Cosentino "Scientific examination of Cultural Heritage raises awareness in local communities” Science Education and Civil Engagement, 8:1, 15-20, 2016. |
A. Cosentino, M. Sgarlata, C. Scandurra, S. Stout, M. Galizia, C. Santagati “Multidisciplinary investigations on the byzantine oratory of the Catacombs of Saint Lucia in Syracuse” 2015 Digital Heritage, Granada, 137-140, 2015. |
A. Cosentino, Giovanni Calvagna, Giuseppe Calvagna, C. Calvagna, C. L. Dandolo, P. Uhd Jepsen “L’Annunciazione ritrovata. Nunziata di Mascali, Sicilia” Archeomatica 1, 44-48 2016. |
A. Cosentino “Application note 3 - Transmitted Infrared Photography with SALVO” 2021. |
A. Cosentino “Application note #6: Technical Photography of Pigments Checker Modern & Contemporary Art” 2022. |
Publications on Infrared Reflectography |
A. Cosentino “Panoramic infrared Reflectography. Technical Recommendations ” Intl Journal of Conservation Science, 5(1): 51–60, 2014. |
A. Cosentino “Type II Super Lattice (T2SL) imaging technology for infrared reflectography of polychrome works of art” e-conservation Journal 5, 2016 Available online 15 March 2017. |
A. Cosentino “CHSOS Application note #7: IRRF - Infrared Reflectography Fluorescence” 2022. |
Publications on Reflectance Transformation Imaging |
A. Cosentino, S. Stout, C. Scandurra “Innovative Imaging Techniques for Examination and Documentation of mural paintings and historical graffiti in the catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse” International Journal of Conservation Science, 6, 1, 23-34, 2015. |
A. Cosentino “Macro Photography for Reflectance Transformation Imaging: A Practical Guide to the Highlights Method” e-conservation Journal 1, pp. 70-85, 2013. |
Publications on Reflectance Spectroscopy |
A. Cosentino “FORS spectral database of historical pigments in different binders” e-conservation Journal 2, 57–68, 2014. |
A. Cosentino “FORS, Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy con gli spettrometri miniaturizzati per l’identificazione dei pigmenti” Archeomatica, 1, 16–22, 2014. |
A. Cosentino “Transmittance spectroscopy and transmitted multispectral imaging to map covered paints” Conservar Património 24, 37-45, 2016. |
A. Cosentino “Application note 1: Testing GorgiasUV on Pigments Checker” 2021. |
A. Cosentino “Application note 4: Gorgias Reflectance Spectra Database for Pigments Checker Modern & Contemporary Art” 2022. |
A. Cosentino “Application note #5: Reflectance Spectra Database (GorgiasUV Spectrometer) for Pigments Checker - Modern & Contemporary Art” 2022. |
Publications on Raman Spectroscopy |
M.C. Caggiani, A. Cosentino, A. Mangone “Pigments Checker version 3.0, a handy set for conservation scientists: A free online Raman spectra database” Microchemical Journal 129, 123–132, 2016.. |
Publications on XRF Spectroscopy |
R. Larsen, N. Coluzzi, A. Cosentino, “Free XRF Spectroscopy Database of Pigments Checker” International journal of Conservation Science 7 (3) 659-668, 2016.. |
Publications on FTIR |
A. Cosentino " FTIR Diffuse Reflectance. Pigments Checker Database ” Application note # 2, May 2021. |
Invited speaker
IFLA 2019. World Librarians Congress, Athens, August 26, 2019
Colours 2015, Plenary Lecture, Evora, Portugal, September 24-26
Save the Soul of Savoca, Savoca, Italy, August 7, 2015
Le Epigrafi Cristiane in Siracusa, Catania, Italy, May 15, 2015
Physical and Digital Preservation of Holocaust Documentation, Jerusalem, Israel, Sept 8-10, 2014
RTI Experts workshop, Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 3-5, 2014
Rode Imaging Event, Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia, May 15-18, 2014.
European Museum of the Year Award 2014, eCult Dialogue Day: Creating the Magic: Matching Culture and ICT, Tallinn, Estonia, May 14 2014.
Jornada Cientifica, Patrimonio Cultural. INPC, Salon de los Escudos, Quito, Ecuador, Sept 26, 2013.
Conference participation
A. Cosentino “Art Diagnostics: Low-cost Revolution” OKOA 2016, Catania, Italy, Feb 26-27 2016.
A. Cosentino “Low-cost Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology” Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, New Jersey, Nov 16-18 2015.
A. Cosentino “Crowd funded Research: Low-cost Multispectral Imaging” RECH 3, International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage, Porto, Portugal, Oct 23-24 2015.
A. Cosentino “Innovative and Sustainable Technical Art Examination and Color Documentation” COLOURS 2015, Evora, Portugal, Sept 24-26 2015.
A. Cosentino, M. Gil, S. Stout, R. Di Mauro, L. Dias, A. Cardoso, J. Mirão, A. Candeias “The newly discovered 18th century wall paintings in Aci Sant’Antonio (Sicily)” TECHNART 2015, Catania, April 27-30th 2015. The newly discovered 18th century wall paintings in Aci Sant’Antonio Poster
C.L. Koch-Dandolo, K. Fukunaga, Y. Kohzuma, K. Matsuda, K. Kiriyama, T. Filtenborg, J. Skou-Hansen, A. Cosentino, P. Uhd Jepsen “Contribution of Reflection Terahertz Time Domain-Imaging (THz-TDI) to Imaging Analysis of Artworks” THz-ARTE “Terahertz Advanced Research TEchniques for non-invasive analysis in art conservation, International Workshop, Rome. Dec, 2-3, 2014. Download Contribution of Reflection Terahertz Time-Domain Imaging THz-TDI.pdf
S. Stout, A. Cosentino, C. Scandurra, “Non-invasive materials analysis using Portable X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) in the Examination of Two Mural Paintings in the Catacombs of San Giovanni, Syracuse” EuroMed 2014, Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. Poster Download More Info.
D. Vanoni, S. Stout, A. Cosentino, F. Kuester, “Artifact Conservation: Representation and Analysis of Spectroscopic and Multispectral Imaging Data Using Augmented Reality” ICOMOS 18th General Assembly, Emerging tools for Conservation Practice, Nov 9-14 2014, Florence, Italy. Download ICOMOS 2014 Poster.pdf
Corinna L. Koch Dandolo, Antonino Cosentino and Peter Uhd Jepsen “Panels inspection behind the gilded finishes through Terahertz Time-Domain Imaging (THz-TDI)” LACONA X, Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks, Sharjah (UAE), 9-13 June 2014. LACONA 2014 Panels inspection behind the gilded finishes through Terahertz Time-Domain Imaging (THz-TDI) (1947 downloads ) Inspection of panel paintings beneath gilded finishes using terahertz time-domain imaging
Roger S. Wieck, “Miracles in miniature. The Art of the Master of Claude de France” The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, 2014. Chapter “Tradition and Innovation in Sixteenth-Century Tours. A Conservator’s view”. Dr Cosentino contributed the imaging examination results.
QNL provides colourful insights into past, January 2021
Qatar National Library presents conservation training course in Levant, February 2020
QNL experts lead workshop at global libraries conference, August 2019
Cultural Artifacts in Terahertz Light Patricia Daukantas, Optics and Photonics News, March 2018
Nous equips defotografia multiespectral portàtils. CAEM. January 2017
Hi-tech imaging of two Aztec codices in Paris. Mexicolore. August 2016
Imaging the Codex Xolotl and Mapa Quinatzin.Houston Museum, August 2016
Tetrahertz spectroscopy shines in areas besides medical imaging: Art Restoration Chemical and Engineering News,93 (44), 10-14, 2015.
Il dipinto ritrovato. Recupero dell’Annunciazione del secolo XVIII Rotary Giarre, June 2015
Presentato dagli esperti il ciclo di affreschi La Siclia, 1 Maggio 2015.
Spectroscopy: Going Small to Get the Whole Picture Photonics Spectra, March issue 2015.
Fiber Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy for Pigment Identification Ocean Optics Newsletter, Dec 2014
Get out of the lab, now! News in Conservation December 2013
Eventually I got Viral News in Conservation February 2013
Capturing a Moment in Time: Antonino Cosentino Documents Fine Art with Gigapixel Imaging Gigapan Success Stories 17/01/2013
Capturing a moment in time: Antonino Cosentino documents fine art with Gigapixel Imaging 14/01/2013
Free iPad eBook Interactive Photo Imaging by Moshe Caine 13/01/2013
iPad e tablet per l’indagine multispettrale di opere d’ 11/30/2012
Pratt Scientists work to unravel a painting’s mystery Pratt Institute 02/06/2012
Finding the Lost da Vinci National Geographic Society, 2011