We just delivered on May 7-11 a Training program for the Qatar National Library (QNL), in Doha, Qatar. This was a 5-days program focused on paper conservation. It was part of our Train&Go program. CHSOS provides equipment, installation, test and training in one convenient solution.
CLICK HERE for more info on Tran&Go.
The Training was held at the spectacular Qatar National Library building designed by the renowned architect Rem Koolhaas. The Library collects, preserves, and provides access to heritage content and materials about Qatar and the region. Qatar National Library (QNL) is a non-profit organization under the umbrella of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development (QF). The Library grand opening is expected soon! Their paper conservation laboratory purchased our equipment for Technical Photography, Reflectance Spectroscopy, and Multispectral Imaging with the respective training.
The Heritage Collection is a unique contribution to Qatar’s cultural landscape. The wealth of historical sources about Qatar is accessible, including writings by travelers and explorers who visited the Arabian Gulf region. The collection incorporates rare and valuable texts and manuscripts related to the Arab-Islamic civilization. The growing collection includes early Arabic printed materials, such as books, journals, magazines and newspapers, Arabic manuscripts, maps and globes, as well as instruments and tools related to travel and a selection of early photography. It is worth mentioning, some of the printed materials contain Latin translations of Arabic texts. These items are valuable and rare features of the Heritage Collection because they date back to the 15th century, when the printing process was first introduced to Europe.
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QNL has a 250 square meters professional preservation and conservation laboratory fully equipped to handle any kind of preservation needs. The laboratory has 4 sections: Preventive conservation section, Bio deterioration analysis and treatment section, Conservation section, Materials analysis to support conservation actions as well as codicological studies.
Our equipment and training will benefit the workflow of the Library preservation and conservation laboratory but also likely the largest community of Arab Countries. Qatar National Library is a member of IFLA PAC Regional Center for Arab Countries and the Middle East. The mission of this organization is to focus efforts on issues of preservation and initiate worldwide cooperation for the preservation of library materials in Arabic Countries. QNL’s role is to support the Arab libraries through a series of activities and initiatives to promote, disseminate and improve the practices in preservation and conservation.

Technical Examination for Paper Conservation
DOWNLOAD Technical Examination for Paper Conservation (469 downloads)