Camilla Perondi, student in conservation science at University of Bologna, just completed a full-immersion 3-days training on “Technical Imaging for Art” at the Cultural Heritage Science Open Source lab.
Next Training Section 2-6 Sept 2013. Contact me for info (cost, specific dates, lodging, traveling).
Camilla participated to the July 15-17th section of the training program held in Aci Sant’Antonio, Sicily, Italy. Indeed, I was so satisfied; Camilla is brilliant and sparkling and managed to grasp the methods, both software and hardware in no time. As usual, I got to learn something new too. Camilla is launching with two other colleagues a start up delivering low cost holographic and 3D services for art documentation, FIRMTOUCH.
The unexpected thing about this session was the enthusiasm that this training raised in the town’s authorities which made access to the most important art in the town instantaneous! And the Major granted to this training program the town’s “Patrocinio”. Indeed, it was my goal to have as much as possible field work done in this full-immersion training. Since Camilla was proactive, we managed to dedicate the first 2 days to documenting many art objects and the last day to software editing of the images collected.
Day Zero. Actually Camilla arrived Sunday, a day earlier, so we could have a test of the Gigapan Pano head for some panoramas of the Acireale’s coast. Visible and Infrared panoramas
Day 1st. It was dedicated to the Sicilian art of brilliantly painted carts. Aci S.Antonio is honored to host the famous Master Domenico Di Mauro, currently 100 and 2 months years old! His pieces are exposed in museums around the world such as Moscow and Tokyo. The renowned Sicilian hospitality made our work so easy. We were hosted in the painter’s studio and we had access to the oldest pieces in his collection dating back to the early XX century.

The training didn’t stop to multispectral imaging: sets of photographic acquisitions were performed to build up 3D models of some interesting objects. An example is a “key” belonging to a 1940s Sicilian cart: this wooden piece provides stability to the entire structure of the cart, and were usually finely decorated as the whole vehicle. (The exploited technique is photomodeling, which permits to obtain 3D virtual reproductions of the material artwork starting from a set of photos of it.).

Day 2nd. The town has some renowned historical houses; we focused on Palazzo Cantarella and the ceiling decoration of the current conference room.

In the evening we moved to the main church where recently some frescoes were discovered during renovation work.

Camilla expressed the desire to use the acquisitions performed to the artworks in Aci Sant’Antonio and publish the results in her Master Degree thesis, which would talk about the efficiency of Digital Single-Lens Reflex cameras for the analysis of paintings, archaeological finds and architectural surfaces, and for the realization of digital objects useful for both scientific research and promotion of cultural property. Of course, permission granted!